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Read the Post in new Window Read the Post in Threaded view  Post #1: Rohde & Schwarz EU-6201 Tuner by Romy the Cat on 2008-05-07 
Browse the content of the threads in new Window  Thread: Rohde & Schwarz EU-6201 Tuner in Off Air Audio  34 Replies 
The Rohde & Schwarz EU-6201 tuner was made for German Ultrakurzwellen (ultra short waves or FM) Broadcast Network. The idea was to have a chain of wide-bandwidth composite signal receivers that feed re-transmitters. I made an attempt to accommoda...

Read the Post in new Window Read the Post in Threaded view  Post #6: How much of our troubles have been cables all along? by Paul S on 2007-09-22 
Browse the content of the threads in new Window  Thread: Any good sounding AES/EBU interfaces out there? in Didital Things  53 Replies 
I have been adding and reconfiguring gear recently and I will be needing a 6' digital cable very soon, when I add batteriy power, so I just went ahead and bought one of the "Synopsis" remainders Romy mentioned.This $5 discontinued Belkin blue ca...

Read the Post in new Window Read the Post in Threaded view  Post #13: Everything is illuminated. by Romy the Cat on 2007-10-14 
Browse the content of the threads in new Window  Thread: Recording options: Pacific Microsonics vs. Lavry Gold. in Didital Things  24 Replies 
[quote user="op.9"]Romy, is there a problem with the DAC1 file? After 16' there is an audible click then a lowering of level and a much more bleached out sound. [/quote]Nope, it was how it was broadcasted. I did nothing with that file. I know that de...

Read the Post in new Window Read the Post in Threaded view  Post #4: An idea of a new product. by Romy the Cat on 2013-07-30 
Browse the content of the threads in new Window  Thread: Is it the time to change those tubes? in Melquiades Amplifier  11 Replies 
The more I think about the more I feel that my old idea to install a timer inside the amp that would measure the time the amps is running was not so bad. I never in fact implemented it but it would be convenient to have it. What I am thinking is that...

Read the Post in new Window Read the Post in Threaded view  Post #4: I like Jim Smith Book by Amir on 2009-09-02 
Browse the content of the threads in new Window  Thread: “Get Better Sound” by Jim Smith in Audio News  12 Replies 
[quote user="BWO"]I'v read the book (missing a few of the last pages). The boook definetly have som useful information. Especially about setup, placing speakers at different positions and some decent and brief info on acoustic treatment. Unfortunatel...

Read the Post in new Window Read the Post in Threaded view  Post #3: RE: talking about the audio mystery… by Romy the Cat on 2006-08-05 
Browse the content of the threads in new Window  Thread: Stands for Super Melquiades. in Melquiades Amplifier  6 Replies 
I set up both Super Milqs on their new stands and they look very-very cute in comfy in their corners. They also srayhigher and I can reach the plate current regulators without bending my body. Since I become “circumferentially challenged” lately...

Read the Post in new Window Read the Post in Threaded view  Post #1: The Melquiades' "Remote Biasing" by Romy the Cat on 2008-02-05 
Browse the content of the threads in new Window  Thread: The Melquiades' "Remote Biasing" in Melquiades Amplifier  0 Replies 
[quote user="Romy the Cat"] In here is not the value are important but the concept the you block DC not with capacitor but with an “active” resistor that backed up with positive voltage. BTW, eventually if you wish to go “kinky Milq” and have a v...

Read the Post in new Window Read the Post in Threaded view  Post #26: Sui tunas & signal ovaload by jessie.dazzle on 2008-03-05 
Browse the content of the threads in new Window  Thread: Sansui TU-X1 Broadcast monitor. in Off Air Audio  56 Replies 
Romy wrote : "...I know, it is kind of contra-intuitive to kill output of antenna to get better sound. But I learned that I need to do it... BTW, if anyone knows where the source a 75Ohm 0-40dB (not 20dB) LPAD with coax input and output cables going ...

Read the Post in new Window Read the Post in Threaded view  Post #158: PC Audio by Amir on 2018-04-10 
Browse the content of the threads in new Window  Thread: High Quality Music Server / CD player in Didital Things  169 Replies 
I spend my time/effort/money to get a good sound from computer or trial and error proved me that I could not attack CEC TL0-X by Computer Audio.I also lost my money 4500$ in ordering external PSU to Paul Hynes. Paul is not trusted and do n...

Read the Post in new Window Read the Post in Threaded view  Post #12: Re: Endless more digital .... by Romy the Cat on 2005-11-07 
Browse the content of the threads in new Window  Thread: How to record FM broadcasts. in Off Air Audio  125 Replies 
[quote user="jtavan"] I would be interested to hear your reaction to the same CD ripped properly on a CD-ROM drive rather than recorded from SPDIF stream. If your transport is VERY good, they should be equivalent... but on damaged discs, or with bad ...

Read the Post in new Window Read the Post in Threaded view  Post #1: Some evidence for the change in sound of a submerged conductor. by Edgar= on 2022-10-22 
Browse the content of the threads in new Window  Thread: Some evidence for the change in sound of a submerged conduct... in Audio Discussions  9 Replies 
Howdy,Here are two links to videos demonstrating experiments in the speed of electricity.The first shows how a portion of flow is instantaneous and the rest at the speed of light. Measured with a really quick scope and a 1000m loop of wire.https://ww...

Read the Post in new Window Read the Post in Threaded view  Post #9: An elevated subject by Paul S on 2008-06-29 
Browse the content of the threads in new Window  Thread: We who are about to die... (a cable thread) in Audio Discussions  54 Replies 
Well, the electricity suddenly switched gears today, and it entered into an entirely unknown level of cleanliness; and what do you know?  The "cables" pretty much became a non-factor.  I suppose this means that noise is A Very Big Issue mos...

Read the Post in new Window Read the Post in Threaded view  Post #384: The Agony of ignoring..... by Bud on 2009-07-15 
Browse the content of the threads in new Window  Thread: It’s mad, mad, mad... electricity. in Audio Discussions  1910 Replies 
So, what you would have to do is buy a bunch of #9 AWG solid copper wire from China, so it is only 99% pure,acid etch the surface, paint it with tar and wind it up in a snake sex twist. Or pay them to do it for you.The idea is sound, the application ...

Read the Post in new Window Read the Post in Threaded view  Post #81: This amp is OK only if you know the resulting Sound. by Romy the Cat on 2011-05-22 
Browse the content of the threads in new Window  Thread: How to get a LOT of SET power. in Audio Discussions  106 Replies 
N-set, it is nice to see that you are keep punching the idea, somebody shall, I guess.. About the filters. For the low-pass and in this application I do not use inductors and much prefer RC filter. In LC filters the band-pass flows over coil. If we a...

Read the Post in new Window Read the Post in Threaded view  Post #996: More about PP radiation. by Romy the Cat on 2011-12-30 
Browse the content of the threads in new Window  Thread: It’s mad, mad, mad... electricity. in Audio Discussions  1910 Replies 
[quote user="steverino"] Romy said "When I had my magnetic and EMI probes running with open PP2000 cover then the probes showed me that I was in the middle of Chernobyl Black Forest. I think the PP3000  even more poisoning..." Now I begin to u...

Read the Post in new Window Read the Post in Threaded view  Post #1068: Loch Ness Monster and PurePower. by Romy the Cat on 2012-09-19 
Browse the content of the threads in new Window  Thread: It’s mad, mad, mad... electricity. in Audio Discussions  1910 Replies 
[quote user="manisandher"]Well let's just say that I find the retailer's version of events difficult to believe. It would be just amazing if something pierced the (quite hefty) packing material and the metal underside of the power supply casing... an...

Read the Post in new Window Read the Post in Threaded view  Post #66: I could not believe how I lived without the tape loop. by Romy the Cat on 2009-11-12 
Browse the content of the threads in new Window  Thread: Pacific Microsonics Model 2 in Didital Things  85 Replies 
Using the AD/DA and employing those Dominus cables I could not believe lived without the tape loop.  Plugging Pacific into the loop I in fact save one spare cable and got assurance that I would never will move/plug/unplug my AD anymore. I feel like w...

Read the Post in new Window Read the Post in Threaded view  Post #41: The last Bidat Upgrade - above 140Hz by Romy the Cat on 2010-08-26 
Browse the content of the threads in new Window  Thread: The Museatex Bidat pages. in Didital Things  57 Replies 
While I was moving in to my new home John Wight undertook my Bidat for his new update.  Up to now I did not have playback properly performing but the last 2-3 weeks I feel that my playback is back. Again, whatever I lien now has only upperbass horn a...

Read the Post in new Window Read the Post in Threaded view  Post #9: Get rid of the V-Link by Romy the Cat on 2011-06-16 
Browse the content of the threads in new Window  Thread: Asyncronus USB in Didital Things  12 Replies 
[quote user="David"]I think for a start there are so many different ways of getting a sound that is acceptable to the listener it pays not to be too dogmatic.I am in the early days of developing my system with speakers from 4 different manufacturers ...

Read the Post in new Window Read the Post in Threaded view  Post #5: Making sense of no sense by Paul S on 2007-03-13 
Browse the content of the threads in new Window  Thread: Another light for the LS tunnel: transformer-attenuators? in Audio Discussions  26 Replies 
Like I said, musical bass via the TAP does not thin out at all before my BR bins roll it off; but that's as much as I can say at this point.  And (against conventional logic) the TAP certainly does much better bass than any active LS I...

Read the Post in new Window Read the Post in Threaded view  Post #1: The tales of two phonostages: Allnic and 834PT. by Romy the Cat on 2011-12-21 
Browse the content of the threads in new Window  Thread: The tales of two phonostages: Allnic and 834PT. in Analog Playback  0 Replies 
I have for a month or so the Allnic H-1500 II SE Plus phono stage sitting in my home. It is two chassis phonostages with tube rectification, tube regulation, LCR 600R filters, own Allnic step up transformer for MC needles, 5842/417A in gain stage...

Read the Post in new Window Read the Post in Threaded view  Post #2: In reality it is Dark Night by Stitch on 2012-04-22 
Browse the content of the threads in new Window  Thread: Tree motors from one side? Buttery operated? in Analog Playback  4 Replies 
[quote user="Romy the Cat"] Give me a break! Sorry, but I do not believe in all of it. The Cat[/quote]It is simply a unit for customers who have more money than brain.The Raven AC was on the Frontpage from TAS and Stereophile (I think), and for some...

Read the Post in new Window Read the Post in Threaded view  Post #2: Suboptimal. . . by scooter on 2010-01-07 
Browse the content of the threads in new Window  Thread: Internet and electricity in Didital Things  1 Replies 
Hi Rony, Not a dumb question; wifi and CPL internet connections are suboptimal when near audio systems. By coincidence, last night I bumped into the following post which walks through one person's view on "electric gremlins" he found at 470hz (etal....

Read the Post in new Window Read the Post in Threaded view  Post #54: Of course everything affects the sound by haralanov on 2013-07-17 
Browse the content of the threads in new Window  Thread: Canadian Speaker Proposal in Horn-Loaded Speakers  56 Replies 
Romy, as you can see, I have never wrote that these parasitic sounds depend ONLY on the quality of the drivers. It is quite obvious they depend on many many many other things (practically everything) as for example bad microphones, bad microphone cab...

Read the Post in new Window Read the Post in Threaded view  Post #10: That's much more ferrite than I've used by Antonio J. on 2008-07-22 
Browse the content of the threads in new Window  Thread: Tuners and digital noise from DAW, A/D and D/A in Off Air Audio  10 Replies 
[quote user="Romy the Cat"]Hm, this is interesting. I my case nether neither CEC nor Bidat affect other of the tuners. Lavrys do but not Bidat. Try to put ferrite on ALL Sansui inputs: antenna, power cord, output cables. I have 3 bids on each leg of ...

Read the Post in new Window Read the Post in Threaded view  Post #3: "...there is so much good quality broadcast material ...' by Romy the Cat on 2008-09-19 
Browse the content of the threads in new Window  Thread: Is anybody live in Australia with a tuner and an interest? in Off Air Audio  19 Replies 
[quote user="peter foster"]Dear Romy, it is possible.  I would need to obtain some cables to make the connection between my Sansui TU-X1 and Lavry Blue ADC.  Also, I do not have access yet to broadband so till then recordings could be to CD...

Read the Post in new Window Read the Post in Threaded view  Post #11: Search of the best DAC by Stitch on 2013-07-07 
Browse the content of the threads in new Window  Thread: DAC Recommendations in Didital Things  44 Replies 
... is quite a long journey. In the last 15 years we got every month a new, sonic revolution in sonic digital Playback. We got up sampling, HDCD ... SACD, separate units, digital cables, separate master clocks, output stage with tubes and so on and o...

Read the Post in new Window Read the Post in Threaded view  Post #16: Alix2d2 boards by Amir on 2017-02-10 
Browse the content of the threads in new Window  Thread: Why I hate computer playback. in Didital Things  17 Replies 
[quote user="manisandher"] Amir wrote:do you use microrendu?Hi Amir, yes I use a microRendu in my office system - it replaced the NAA I spoke about in the old post that you quoted. I think I'm one of the very few owners who hasn't been drawn in by th...

Read the Post in new Window Read the Post in Threaded view  Post #45: Being my first customer? by Romy the Cat on 2011-08-19 
Browse the content of the threads in new Window  Thread: Altec Model 19 in Boston. in Horn-Loaded Speakers  61 Replies 
[quote user="tokyo john"] I just stumbled on this thread, and am thinking about being your first customer.I am planning to move to New York from Tokyo end of this year - not just escape the nuclear radiation but to let my kids experience a different ...

Read the Post in new Window Read the Post in Threaded view  Post #13: Rakeshorns - The LVFrame, some pictures by oxric on 2011-10-18 
Browse the content of the threads in new Window  Thread: Rakeshorns in Horn-Loaded Speakers  33 Replies 
Lignum Vitae timber beam from old pierCut by sawmill first then by Russ to requirements. Not easy as sawmill blades turn to wimps at the mere mention of Lignum Vitae or GuaiacumChannels cut in back of frame masts where supporting rig scre...
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